Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Fake Tea Party Candidates, Late Property Tax Payments, and Donkeys"

As Midterm Elections are approaching, the race between Adler and Runyan is everything but boring. Just last week, the Republicans of the Third District accused the Adler campaign of planting DeStefano, the Tea Party candidate, in the race in order to siphon off votes from Runyan. Adler denied any connection to this, saying "I was very clear about this issue when I first heard about it: I want to have nothing to do with it. I told my people to have nothing to do with it. As far as I know, we have nothing to do with it." Runyan is doubtful of Adler’s denial to the matter, and has called Adler “distasteful and unethical.” This is only the most recent of the campaign issues between the two candidates. Throughout the campaign, Adler and Runyan haven’t spent their time and finances on promoting real issues, such as healthcare, unemployment, drilling for oil, etc; instead, the issues they have been focusing on include “fake tea party candidates, late property tax payments, and donkeys.”

The Third District of New Jersey is where the NJ Republican’s have the best shot at defeating a Democrat incumbent, despite the fact that Adler has raised a substantial amount more compared to Runyan. Reports show that Adler raised $3.03 million to Runyan’s $1.12 million since the start of the election cycle in January 2009. From July 1st to September 30th, records show Adler raising $556,313 compared to Runyan’s $465,585. However, Runyan is not worried about Adler’s monetary advantage, and he clearly does not need to be given his remarkable standing in the polls. Also, since the allegations on Adler for rigging the Tea Party candidate, Runyan has seen a spike in support from both Republicans and the Tea Party movement. With Election Day closing in, it will be interesting to see if Adler can pull a victory over Runyan given the statistics seen so far throughout the race. 

Here is a video of the press conference where the Tea Party scam accusations took place, held October 11th.


  1. Following this election it is amazing to me just how dirty politics can get, and this race in NJ 3rd district seems to be even more dirty than most. As a citizen I look at the lengths that candidates will go to to be elected and it makes me like them less and less. From what I've learned about this district the public seems to be feeling the same way and are losing faith in Adler contrary to warming up to him.

  2. Just another case of poltics being poltics. Heated comments, back and forth debates and accusations being thrown out left and right. Candidates will do what they have to win on occassions even if it means attacking another. Wether the accusations are true are not it doesn't suprise me that politicans would do this.
