Friday, September 10, 2010

Introduction to New Jersey's 3rd Congressional District Election

For 123 years prior to Adler’s victory in 2008 the third district of New Jersey used to be a strictly Republican district. Democratic candidate John Adler and Republican candidate Jon Runyan are leading one of the most critical congressional district campaigns in this coming November 2010 election.  

Jon Runyan, a former American football offensive tackle, announced his plans to run for candidacy in November 2009 against John Adler for the third congressional district of New Jersey, and won the Republican nomination on June 8, 2010. As a former Philadelphia Eagle, Runyan holds a lot of fans votes in this southern New Jersey County. Runyan has introduced new political issues such as his vote against ObamaCare and more importantly, his anti-environmental stand for offshore drilling. Runyan believes that “safe” offshore drilling will ultimately help to create jobs, lower energy costs, and reduce our dependence on the Middle East for oil.

Running against Runyan, John Adler , the current congressman for the third district of New Jersey, is severely opposed to Runyan’s energy policy. Adler has sponsored New Jersey’s Clean Cars Act, American Clean Energy and Security Act, Global Warming Response Act, and he continues to be a defender for the environment. In his past two years in office, Adler has received a 93% voter rating from the League of Conservation Voters, proving that his stand for environmental safety is greatly supported by the general public.

This particular election caught my interest because of the extreme difference between the candidates, as well as the difference between their stand on many critical issues while trying to gain as much voter support as they can. As candidates for the third congressional district of New Jersey, the result of this election will significantly impact not only the district, but also representation of the entire state of New Jersey.           



  1. I would be really interested to know what Jon Runyan's qualifications are to run for Congrss. Did he go to a good college? Major in Political Science or Public Policy? Or does he think just because he's an athelete that qualifies him?

  2. I think you chose a great district to cover, this really sounds like it will be a good race simply according to their different policies. Personally, I found what you said about Runyan's off shore drilling policy appauling and I cannot wait to hear more about it.
