Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Republican Candidate Runyan and his Victory Affecting the Republican Controlled Congress

Joining the team of newly elected Republicans, Runyan, who stands at 6 foot 7, joked around saying, “I'll probably be the largest human being on The Hill…But we're going to take that largeness and use it to shrink the size of government." Former Democratic state legislator John Adler offered to help Runyan transition into office, stating that if Runyan succeeds, the third district of New Jersey ultimately succeeds. Adler’s loss to Runyan has been noted as self-inflicted from his non-stop attacks on Runyan to his involvement in the planting of the fake tea party candidate.

According to the Washington Post, Runyan was scheduled to be in D.C. November 15th, 2010 for his Capitol Hill orientation. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, voters had voted for against the Republicans the past two years in hopes of change promised by candidates such as Obama and Christie. However, clearly the voters have not been pleased with what the elected leaders have been doing in office. The Republicans, now taking a slight majority in the House of Representatives, work to change what has been under the Democratic reign. Chris Russell, a spokesperson for the Runyan campaign, stated that Jon Runyan is the direction that voters are looking for. “He’s a political outsider with an eight-point plan to cut taxes and create jobs. And Runyan’s reform agenda includes congressional term limits and a balanced budget amendment.” Runyan, a new face in politics, must work to not only prove to voters that he was the right choice, but also to prove to other state legislators that he has what it takes to aid the Republican controlled Congress in achieving their goals. 

1 comment:

  1. Runyan, like other GOP candidates this fall come with a plan, at stated Runyan's is 8-point. Everyone seems to agree that jobs and the economy are two key issues, but is also seems that Runyan will be faced with the struggle of sticking to what he promise his constitutes versus melding his plans with the many others that won new congressmen a chance in Washington. It will be interesting to see what GOP agenda and plan for success develops come January.
